giugno 2009

Una sfilata a Milano vera con le modelle di Ewing Fashion Agency, una nella land di Azzurra con Modway Academy (fra le quali Giada Oh, il Volto MEB 2009), le prime serate del Live Music Contest organizzato da Jack Davies nelle land Astral Dreams e Malice e sponsorizzato da MEB.
Ecco le immagini dei tre eventi (Fotografie Melusina Parkin):


Momenti della sfilata a Milano Vera

Ad Azzurra, con Modway

Giada ripresenta Carnaby come testimonial MEB ad Astral Dreams e Malice (nell’ultima foto uno dei grandi musicisti del Contest, MadMax Huet)


The MEB Summer Collection is yet available in our mainstore. For this season Maria Elena used a colourful palette to create a new good example of cool wearable fashion in Second Life. Enjoy lovely our  minidresses and jackets to feel good and get fun in SL.

The collection it has been displayed to designers, models and fashion leaders in an exclusive  show at the Mainstore itself.

Now is your time to get these nice outfits and to combine it with any accessory



invitoJENbilingueMEB adds to its well designed outfits the JEN Collection of cool accessories (pearl necklaces and sunglasses) in different colors and textures. These ones made with the same accuracy that Jennyfer Miles uses for preparing her well known fashion shows.
They were presented in a nice party at MEB mainstore.



Such exclusive accessories are only sold at MEB Mainstore. Don’t miss them.

TP to MEB Mainstore